Littérature scientifique
Optimizing the management of acute, prolonged decelerations and fetal bradycardia based on the understanding of fetal pathophysiology
Auteurs : Edwin Chandraharan, MBBS, MS, FSLCOG, FRCOG, Tullio Ghi, MD, PhD, Stefania Fieni, PhD, Yan-Ju Jia, PhD Revue : American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME 228, ISSUE 6, P645-656, JUNE 202 DOI : 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.05.014
Intimate partner violence against adolescent girls: regional and national prevalence estimates and associated country-level factors
Auteurs : LynnMarie Sardinha, Ilknur Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, Mathieu Maheu-Giroux, Claudia García-Moreno Revue : Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2024; 8: 636–46 DOI : 10.1016/S2352-4642(24)00145-7
Prescriptive and proscriptive lessons for managing shoulder dystocia: a technical and videographical tutorial
Auteur : Edith Gurewitsch Allen Revue : American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME 230, ISSUE 3, SUPPLEMENT , S1014-S1026, MARCH 2024 DOI : 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.03.016
Fertilité dans le couple : connaissances et attitudes des sages-femmes libérales
Auteur : Léa Gouget Revue : Sages-Femmes, Volume 23, Issue 4, July–August 2024, Pages 50-56 DOI : 10.1016/j.sagf.2024.05.013
Promouvoir le sport au féminin, des initiatives à fort enjeu de santé publique
Auteurs : Freddy Maso, Stéphanie Vernet, Camille Lesme, Sarah Allais Revue : Sages-Femmes, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 40-42 DOI : 10.1016/j.sagf.2024.05.010
Maternal diet quality with child allergic and respiratory multimorbidity in the Elfe birth cohort
Auteurs : Rosalie Delvert, Marie-Aline Charles, Bénédicte Leynaert, Manik Kadawathagedara, Karine Adel-Patient, Amandine Divaret-Chauveau, Marie-Noëlle Dufourg, Chantal Raherison, Raphaëlle Varraso, Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain, Annabelle Bédard Revue : Scientific Reports, 14, 13048 (2024) DOI : 10.1038/s41598-024-63456-3
Characteristics of strong midwifery leaders and enablers of strong midwifery leadership : An international appreciative inquiry
Auteurs : Dr Sally Pezaro, Gila Zarbiv, Jude JONES, Mariama Lilei Feika, Laura Fitzgerald, Sanele Lukhele, Jacquelyn Mcmillan-bohler, Olivia B. Baloyi, Ksenija Maravic da Silva , Christine Grant, Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, Pandora Hardtman Revue : Midwifery, Volume 132, May 2024, 103982 DOI : 10.1016/j.midw.2024.103982
FIGO pregnancy passport : A useful tool for women and their healthcare providers on health risks following pregnancy complications
Revue : International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Volume 162, Issue 3 p. 787-791 Auteurs : Long Nguyen-Hoang, Graeme N. Smith, Lina Bergman, Fionnuala M. McAuliffe, Liona C. Poon DOI : 10.1002/ijgo.15029
FIGO Preconception Checklist : Preconception care for mother and baby
Auteurs : Chiara Benedetto, Fulvio Borella, Hema Divakar, Sarah L. O’Riordan, Martina Mazzoli, Mark Hanson, Sharleen O’Reilly, Bo Jacobsson, Jeanne A. Conry, Fionnuala M. McAuliffe Revue : International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume165, Issue1, April 2024, Pages 1-8 DOI : 10.1002/ijgo.15446
Efficacy of a single low dose of esketamine after childbirth for mothers with symptoms of prenatal depression: randomised clinical trial
Revue : BMJ 2024;385:e078218 Auteurs : Shuo Wang, Chun-Mei Deng, Yuan Zeng, Xin-Zhong Chen, Ai-Yuan Li, Shan-Wu Feng, Li-Li Xu, Liang Chen, Hong-Mei Yuan, Han Hu, Tian Yang, Tao Han, Hui-Ying Zhang, Ming Jiang, Xin-Yu Sun, Hui-Ning Guo, Daniel I Sessler,…
European Association of Perinatal Medicine (EAPM), European Board and College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (EBCOG), European Midwives Association (EMA). Joint position statement: Substandard and disrespectful care in labour – because words matter
Auteurs : Diogo Ayres-de-Campos, Frank Louwen, Victoria Vivilaki, Chiara Benedetto, Neena Modi, Miroslaw Wielgos, Melania-Elena, Pop Tudose, Susanna Timonen, Marlene Reyns, Branka Yli, Pernilla Stenback, Inês Nunes, Burcu Yurtsal, Christophe VayssièreGeorges-Emmanuel Roth, Maria Jonsson, Petra Bakker, Enrico Lopriore, Stefan Verlohren,…
Water birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis of maternal and neonatal outcomes
Revue : American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME 230, ISSUE 3, SUPPLEMENT , S961-S979.E33, MARCH 2024 Auteurs : Jordan A. McKinney, Gustavo Vilchez, MD , Alicia Jowers , Andrew M. Kaunitz, MD, Kendall E. Lewis , Luis Sanchez-Ramos DOI : 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.08.034
Tafoxiparin, a novel drug candidate for cervical ripening and labor augmentation: results from 2 randomized, placebo-controlled studies
Auteurs : Gunvor Ekman-Ordeberg, Margareta Hellgren-Wångdahl, Annika Jeppson, Leena Rahkonen, Marie Blomberg, Karin Pettersson, Carina Bejlum, Malin Engberg, Mette Ludvigsen, Jukka Uotila, Kati Tihtonen, Gunilla Hallberg Revue : American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME 230, ISSUE 3, SUPPLEMENT , S759-S768, MARCH 2024…
Prevention and management of VZV infection during pregnancy and the perinatal period
Revue : Infectious Diseases Now, Available online 2 February 2024, 104857 Auteurs : Caroline Charlier, Olivia Anselem, Marion Caseris, Marie Lachâtre, Asmaa Tazi , Marine Driessen, Didier Pinquier, Chemsa Le Cœur, Aurélie Saunier, Mathilde Bergamelli, Roxane Gibert Vanspranghels, Anaïs Chosidow, Charles Cazanave, Sophie Alain, Karine Faure, André Birgy , François Dubos, Philippe Lesprit, Julie Guinaud, Robert Cohen, Christelle Vauloup-Fellous DOI : 10.1016/j.idnow.2024.104857
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Special Statement: Clinical quality measures in obstetrics
Revue : American Journal of Obstetrics ans Gynecology Auteurs : C. Andrew Combs, MD, PhD, Adina Kern-Goldberger, MD, Samuel T. Bauer, MD, MBA DOI : 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.11.011
Adenomyosis among patients undergoing postpartum hysterectomy for uncontrollable uterine bleeding: A multicenter, observational, retrospective, cohort study on histologically-based prevalence and clinical characteristics
Revue : International Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Auteurs : Matteo Giorgi, Diego Raimondo, Martina Pacifici, Ludovica Bartiromo, Massimo Candiani, Francesco Fedele, Alessandra Pizzo, Herbert Valensise, Renato Seracchioli, Antonio Raffone, Francesco Giuseppe Martire, Gabriele Centini, Errico Zupi, Lucia…
“They were very very nice but just not very good”: The interplay between resident–supervisor relationships and assessment in the emergency setting
Revue : AEM Educ Train. 2024;8:e10976. Auteurs : Suzanne Laurin MD, Véronique Castonguay MD, MA(ed), Valérie Dory MD, MMedEd, PhD(ed), Lise Cusson MD, Luc Côté MSW, PhD(ed) DOI : 10.1002/aet2.10976
Midwifery research in France : Current dynamics and perspectives
Auteurs : P Sauvegrain, Clémence Schantz , Anne Rousseau, Laurent Gaucher, Corinne Dupont, Anne Alice Chantry, the CNSF (Collège National des sages-Femmes de France – French National College of Midwives) Revue : Midwifery, Volume 131, April 2024, 103935 DOI :…
Facteurs susceptibles d’influencer le vécu du premier examen gynécologique
Auteurs : Léna Porta Revue : Sages-Femmes, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 41-45 DOI : 10.1016/j.sagf.2023.11.011
Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of endometriosis : A review
Auteurs : Neal D. Barnard, Danielle N. Holtz, Natalie Schmidt, Sinjana Kolipaka, Ellen Hata, Macy Sutton, Tatiana Znayenko-Miller, Nicholas D. Hazen, Christie Cobb, Hana KahleovaRevue : Frontiers Nutritions, 17 February 2023, Sec. Clinical Nutrition Volume 10 – 2023DOI : 10.3389/fnut.2023.1089891
Skin-to-Skin Contact at Birth for Very Preterm Infants and Mother-Infant Interaction Quality at 4 Months : A Secondary Analysis of the IPISTOSS Randomized Clinical Trial
Auteurs : Siri Lilliesköld, RN, MSc; Karoline Lode-Kolz, MD; Siren Rettedal, MD, PhD; et al Revue : JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(11):e2344469 DOI : 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.44469
Analysis of screening for neonatal hypoglycemia in largefor- gestational-age newborns without risk factors, and proposed changes in practice at Grenoble University Hospital
Auteurs : Sonia Ghelfi Dufournet, Lucie Terrier, Pierre Gillois, Lionel Di Marco Revue : European Journal of Midwifery, December/2023 vol. 7 DOI : 10.18332/ejm/174489
Place de la sage-femme dans la prise en charge de l’endométriose
Auteurs : Amandine Poudou Revue : Sages-Femmes, Volume 22, Issue 6, November–December 2023, Pages 37-40 DOI : 10.1016/j.sagf.2023.09.010
Evaluation of a scoring system for the detection of central sensitization among women with chronic pelvic pain
Auteurs : Claire Cardaillac, Amélie Levesque, Thibault Riant, Anaïs Mortier, Michel Neunlist, Marie-Aimée Perrouin-Verbe, Christelle Volteau, Thibault Thubert, Charlène Brochard, Stéphane Ploteau Revue : Amercian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME 229, ISSUE 5, P530.E1-530.E17, NOVEMBER 2023 DOI : 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.07.044
Entretien postnatal précoce : préconisations pour la pratique clinique
Auteur(s) : Eléonore Bleuzen, Sarah Benjilany, Adrien Gantois, Myriam Kheniche, Nathalie Baunot, Sophie Guillaume, Nathalie Piquée, Priscille Sauvegrain, Laurent Gaucher Revue : Sages-Femmes, Volume 22, Issue 5, September–October 2023, Pages 39-41 DOI : 10.1016/j.sagf.2023.06.012